Party Entertainment
Party Entertainment
Party Tzar Gertrude WellEase ensures smiles every time and her wardrobe gives you permission to create whoever you damn well please.
Great for parties, festivals or as a team building exercise, we can add a whole new dimension to your programme.
Our approach is based upon creating spaces in your event that inspire creativity and curiosity, encourage people to have a go at something different and meet others in a collective activity. Contact us to create a bespoke party experience and memories that will last a life time!
Hostess with the Mostess
Do you want to enjoy your party and not have to worry about keeping your guests entertained? Let me be 'Hostess with Mostess'! This allows you to have fun while I meet and greet your guests. I can even sing an improvised song or two, tailored to your event, if that's what you want. We always personalise the experience for your needs.
FIFO - frock in frock out installation and wardrobe
Inspired by the fly in fly out concept, this workshop gives people a chance to explore a wide variety of characters / roles in a safe environment. An interactive entertainment booth, FIFO is an exploration of character and roles using costume, movement and expression. FIFO gives permission to create whatever character calls.
With a host of wigs, hats and glasses and a few frocks to boot, the FIFO trunk has a belly full of laughs and is guaranteed to generate memories. This package makes a fantastic surprise gift for a party!
Badge it
PartyCzar Gertrude WellEase’s badge machine is a vortex of engineering and creativity.
Armed with two badge machines and all the components you can need, your party guests create personalised memories of your event. Great for the introverts amongst us or those seeking a bit of time out, this activity gives you the permission to create your statement and wear it proudly.
Bubbles of Fun
PartyCzar Gertrude WellEase has a trunk full of party activators that can keep your audience awake and celebrating your event. From Chess through to juggling balls, she can provide a range of activities or performances to wow your audience.
Great for the imagination, keeping hands busy, photographic creativity and collective fun, these activities give you the permission to burst through your own creative bubble.